Sounds of Ananda – Breathwork – Soundhealing – Mystic Sufi Music

Join us for a Heartwarming evening: connect to yourself & each other through Breathwork, Soundhealing, Mystical Sufi music.
We welcome you to the beautiful Oosterkerk in Amsterdam for a powerful and unique healing experience!
A Breath practice and musical journey allowing you to tap into the only source of true knowing: your Heart.
This is a very exclusive event as we are allowed a maximum of 65 people in the church.
PSYCHEDELIC BREATH is a mix of breathing techniques that combine elements from ancient yoga traditions and findings of contemporary neuroscience.
Within the breath meditation you alter your brain frequencies into deeper states of meditation.
Touching upon your subconscious mind as well as your emotional body, you clear out mental, emotional and physical blockages.
Change the story of your past, open up to a new future by releasing limiting beliefs, and tap into the only source of true knowing: your heart.
Katty Heath will provide a Sound Meditation, incorporating her voice as part of the journey, along with a variety of beautiful instruments from around the world. During a session, the listener lays down to be washed in a sea of different sound and vibrations.
The result is a creation of beautiful harmony, a journey through the elements and connection to nature. The recipient can enter into a deep meditative state in which they may experience clarity, release, balancing of chakra centers, and much more.
From this we will flow in to a Concert of ancient Sufi Healing songs(with Arabic scales used for Healing dating back from 8000 B.C.) from Syrian vocalist Wasim Arslan, accompanied by Katty Heath on Harmonium as well as a sing a long Mantra or two.
We will encourage the audience to join us with their voices as we create a circle of love, light and energy.
Yoga/exercise mat or something comfortable to lie on
Blanket & cushion
Bottle of water/ Flask of tea
Tissues (Breathwork can be emotional!)
Eye mask (for the sound meditation)
Extra layers of clothing
Healthy Snacks (optional- eat a light meal before coming – a full belly is uncomfortable for the breathwork)
Note: You will be seated on the mat for the Breathwork session then lying down for the sound meditation so you need to make sure you are warm enough.
We will be taking all precautions to mitigate the risk of Corona infections and will be practicing the social distancing during the event in accordance with current regulations.
We look forward to welcoming you!
With Love,
Aileen, Katty & Wasim